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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2008;23(4):247-256.
대한민국에서의 나노물질 위해성에 관한 일반인/전문가 인식 설문조사
이정진, 김영훈, 배은주, 이수승, 곽병규, 최경희, 이종협
Public and Experts Perception about Nanotechnology Hazards in Korea
Jeongjin Lee , Younghun Kim , Eunjoo Bae , Suseung Lee , Byoung Kyu Kwak , Kyunghee Choi , Jongheop Yi
  Public perceptions of nanotechnology and its potential risk can be an important measure for the sustainable advances of the technology. We conducted a survey for public (N=599) and experts (N=165). They answered the same questions and results were analyzed. 74% of the public have not heard about the potential risk of nanotechnology and 77% expected that nanotechnology/materials are not harmful to the human and nature. 74% of experts realized the potential hazards by nanomaterials. The results represented that large perception gab between public and experts has existed in Korea. Interestingly, Korean public thought that nanotechnology is more profitable and less risky than that of American. We suggest that "now is the best time to give appropriate information on the potential risk of nanotechnology to Korean public without preconception or exaggeration.
Keywords: nanomaterials; public perception; risk assessment; nanohazards; consumer products; survey
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