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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2010;25(2):131-143.
Methyl formate의 랫드를 이용한 급성 및 아만성 흡입독성 평가
김현영, 이성배, 한정희, 강민구, 양정선
1산업안전보건연구원 화학물질안전보건센터
2산업안전보건연구원 화학물질안전보건센터
3산업안전보건연구원 화학물질안전보건센터
4산업안전보건연구원 화학물질안전보건센터
5산업안전보건연구원 화학물질안전보건센터
Acute and Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity Evaluation of Methyl Formate in Rats
Hyeon-Yeong Kim , Sung-Bae Lee , Jeong-Hee Han , Min-Gu Kang , Jeong-Sun Yang
  We performed the tests of acute and subchronic inhalation toxicity of methyl formate, which has limited toxicological data in spite of its widespread use and enhanced hazard consequent on its high volatility. The median lethal concentration (LC<SUB>50</SUB>) was evaluated to be above 5,000 ppm (12.27 ㎎/L).
  In the test with subchronic inhalation, there are no deaths, but with reduction of body weight, food intake, organ weight by exposure to 400 (0.98 ㎎/L) and 1,600 (3.92 ㎎/L) ppm, dose-dependently. There were statistical differences in some hematological and blood biochemical parameters as compared to control (e.g. neutrophile and lymphocyte in the 1,600 ppm group, calcium and A/G in 1,600 ppm group).
  Methyl formate under the exposure of 1,600 ppm showed the respiratory findings with nasal, it was confirmed that the chemical has respiratory hazard with 1,600 ppm inhalation exposure, induces nasal epithelial atrophy, olfactory cell degeneration/regeneration and the contraction of olfactory cells, etc.
  According to the notification with Ministry of Labor (No. 2009-68) for classification, labeling and MSDS of chemicals, it is suggested for methyl formate to be classified as category 4 in acute (10.0 < category 4≤20.0 ㎎/L), category 2 (0.2 < concentration ~ 1.0 ㎎/L/6h, 90 days) in specific target organ-repeated exposure.
Keywords: Methyl formate; Inhalation toxicity; LC<; SUB>; 50<; /SUB>
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