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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(2):149-157.
서울시내 소재 치과대학병원을 중심으로
조성연, 양지연, 임영욱, 신경희, 신동천
연세대학교 의과대학 환경공해연구소 및 예방의학교실
An Analysis about Building-related Health Symptoms of Workers at Dental College Hospitals in Seoul
Sung-Yeon Cho , Ji-Yeon Yang , Young-Yuk Lim , Kyoung-Hee Shin , Dong-Chun Shin
  In this study, recognized building-related health symptoms of various workers in dental college hospitals are surveyed and analyzed in order to improve indoor environment at dental college hospitals. We conducted a questionnaire survey for 682 workers in three dental college hospitals located in Seoul from Sep. 20 to Oct. 8, 2004. Most workers at dental hospitals complained about noise, poor ventilation, dusty environment, and air dryness. SBS symptoms score for subjects was 1.43±0.74 (often feel) and major symptoms was throat, CNS, eye, and nose symptoms. Recognized Building-related health symptoms are significantly related to tasks, working experience, job-satisfaction, indoor environment recognition index, medical history, used to special material, and number of dental unit chair. Also working places and ventilation are significantly related to the symptom. Based on the results, it can be said that special dental treatment causes undesirable environment such as noise, dust, and bad odor. It is also related to recognized building related health symptoms reported by workers at dental hospitals. So managemental efforts are needed to improve indoor environment which is related by dental treatment.
Keywords: dental hospital; building-related health symptoms; indoor environment
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