Chemical Ranking and Scoring (CRS) system is a useful tool to screen priority chemicals of large body of substances. The relative ranking of chemicals based on CRS system has served as a decision-making support tools. Exposure potential and toxicity are significant parameters in CRS system, and there are differences in evaluating those parameters in each CRS system. In this study, the parameters of exposure potential, human toxicity, and ecotoxicity were extensively compared. In addition the scoring methods in each parameter were analyzed. The CRS systems considered in this study include the CHEMS-1 (Chemical Hazard Evaluation for Management Strategies), SCRAM (Scoring and Ranking Assessment Model), EURAM (European Union Risk Ranking Method), ARET (Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics), and CRS-Korea. An comparative analysis of the several CRS systems is presented based on their assessment parameters and scoring methods.