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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2008;23(4):267-276.
시화호 유입 지천의 지표수와 퇴적물 용출수가 수서 지표생물에 미치는 급ㆍ만성 생태 독성 영향
박예나, 김선미, 한선영, 이지연, 박윤석, 윤충식, 최경호
Aquatic Toxicity Evaluation of Sediment Elutriate and Surface Water in Streams Entering Lake Shihwa
Yena Park , Sunmi Kim , Sunyoung Han , Jiyoun Lee , Yoon Suk Park , Chung Sik Yoon , Kyungho Choi
  Acute and chronic toxicities of sediment elutriate and surface water samples collected at Lake Shihwa were evaluated using standard toxicity testing organisms including Vibrio fischeri, Daphnia magna and Moina macrocopa. Acute exposure resulted in toxic effects in all surface water or sediment elutriate samples, except for those collected from the reed swamp and Okgu stream. The rainy season influenced the toxicity of the water samples, presumably either by dilution of point discharge or through introduction of non-point source contaminants through runoff. In the sediment, elutriate and surface water samples, copper was detected above potentially lethal concentration, which may in part explain the observed toxicity, Considering acute toxicities of the surface water streams that direct to the Lake Shihwa, efforts should be warranted to control and reduce discharge of point and non-point sources along Lake Shihwa.
Keywords: Lake Shihwa; sediment elutriate; surface water; ecotoxicity
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Toxicity Evaluation of Perfluorinated Compounds Using Daphnia magna  2010 June;25(2)
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