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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(3):279-285.
키토산의 효과
김선영, 이현교
Effects of PCB Congeners in Rodent Neuronal Cells in Culture; Effects of Chitosan
Sun-Young Kim , Hyun-Gyo Lee
  The present study attempted to analyze the mechanism of PCB-induced neurotoxicity with respect to the PKC signaling. Since the developing neuron is particularly sensitive to PCB-induced neurotoxicity, we isolated cerebellar granule cells derived from 7-day old SD rats and grew cells in culture for additional 7 days to mimic PND-14 conditions. Only non-coplanar PCBs at a high dose showed a significant increase of total PKC activity at [³H]PDBu binding assay, indicating that non-coplanar PCBs are more neuroactive than coplanar PCBs in neuronal cells. PKC isoforms were immunoblotted with respective monoclonal antibodies. PKC-alpha and - epsilon were activated with non-coplanar PCB exposure. The result suggests that coplanar PCBs have a PKC pathway different from non-coplanar PCBs. Activation of PKC with exposure was dampened with treatment of high molecular weight of chitosan. Chitoan (M.W.>1,000 kDa) inhibited the total activity of PKC induced by the non-coplanar PCBs. Translocation of PKC isoforms was also inhibited by the high molecular weight of chitosan. The study demonstrated that non-coplanar PCBs are more potent neurotoxic congeners than coplanar PCBs and the alteration of PKC activities by PCB exposure can be blocked with the treatment of chitosan. The results suggest a potential use of chitosan as a means of nutritional intervention to prevent the harmful effects of pollutant-derived diseases.
Keywords: PCB; chitosan; structure-activity relation; neuron; PKC
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