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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(3):235-245.
Nonylphenol의 장기간 노출에 의한 붕어, Carassius auratus의 생식지표 변화
조남국, 진영국, 이철우, 김현미, 최경희, 정규혁, 강주찬, 이정식
Change of Reproductive Indicator of the Crucian Carp, Carassius auratus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) Long-term Exposed to Nonylphenol
Nam Guk Cho , Young Guk Jin , Chulwoo Lee , Hyun-Mi Kim , Kyunghee Choi , Kyu-Hyuck Chung , Ju-Chan Kang , Jung Sick Lee
  Toxicity of nonlyphenol (NP) one of EDCs was studied with focus on reproduction of the crucian carp, Carassius auratus. Fishes were cultured under control and nonylphnol exposure conditions for 32 weeks. Experimental group was composed of total of 4 groups, 1 control condition and 3 nonylphenol exposure condition (18 ㎍ NP L?¹, 37 ㎍ NP L?¹ and 83 ㎍ NP L?¹). Survival rate was found to be similar in control and 18 ㎍ NP L?¹. However, it is lower in the 37 ㎍ NP L?¹ and 83 ㎍ NP L?¹ in comparison to the control group. Deformation of gonads was the highest in the exposure condition of 18 ㎍ NP L?¹ with the female illustrating higher ratio than the male. GSI was not much different in the male but in the female, NP exposure group illustrated lower value compared to the control group. HSI and GI did not illustrate any clear differences between the control and exposure group for both male and female. Intersex was 0% in the wild group, 4.16% in the laboratory control group, and 25.67% in the NP exposure condition with female illustrating higher compared to male. Concentration of blood vitellogenin in female illustrated no clear differences between the control and NP exposure group. However, in the male, it was higher in the NP exposure group in comparison to the control group, and illustrated higher values of vitellogenin compared to the figures found in the female of same con-centration condition.
Keywords: Carassius auratus; nonylphenol; reproduction; vitellogenin
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