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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(2):171-175.
국내 담수새우인 새뱅이 ( Neocardina denticulata)를 이용한 중금속의 급성독성시험
류지성, 김은경, 문예련, 김현미, 김학주, 최경희
Acute Toxicity Test of Heavy Metals Using Korean Freshwater Shrimp, Neocardina denticulata
Jisung Ryu , Eun Kyoung Kim , Ye Ryeon Moon , Hyun-Mi Kim , Hak-Joo Kim , Kyunghee Choi
  Indigenous species means a species that is likely, due to historical presence, to occur at a specified site for some portion of its life span. Therefore, indigenous species can be useful as an indicator to assess environmental risk caused by hazardous chemicals in a specific site. So far a few toxicity studies using freshwater species which are indigenous to Korea have been carried out. In this study, a freshwater shrimp (Neocardina denticulata) indigenous to Korea was used for acute toxicity test of heavy metals.
  Neocardina denticulata were exposed to cadmium chloride (CdCl₂), copper chloride (CuCl₂) and zinc chloride (ZnCl₂) using automatic flow-through system for 96 hours. The 96h LC50s were calculated as 0.043 (0.042~0.045) ㎎ CdCl₂/L, 0.104 (0.098~0.113) ㎎ CuCl₂/L and 2.021 (1.633~2.594) ㎎ ZnCl₂/L. When compaired with some international standard species such as medaka (Oryzias latipes), Neocardina denticulata had high sensitivity. Therefore, this study suggested that Neocardina denticulata have possibilities for a sensitive test species to test heavy metal toxicity in aqua-system.
Keywords: Neocardina denticulata; heavy metals; acute toxicity; flow-through system
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Acute Toxicity of Pentachlorophenol Sodium Salt, Potassium Dichromate, Sodium, Azide to Neocaridina denticulata  2010 September;25(3)
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