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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(1):91-101.
화학물질 유해성 평가를 위한 정보의 작성 및 활용
임경택, 김현옥, 김영교, 조해원, 마용석, 이권섭, 임철홍, 김현영, 양정선
Development and Use of Data for Chemical Risk Assessment
Kyungtaek Rim , Hyunok Kim , Youngkyo Kim , Haewon Cho , Yongseok Ma , Kwonseob Lee , Cheolhong Lim , Hyeonyeong Kim , Jeongseon Yang
  The new chemicals are developed and circulated without the verified toxicity data. So, the accidents and occupational diseases, such as explosion, fire, suffocation about deadly poisons etc. are frequently to workers.
  Classifications of chemicals suited with guideline and an offer of correct chemical information data are the most important thing for the establishment of suitable chemical management system.
  The GHS (Globally Harmonized System of classification and labeling of chemicals) is based with the chemical classifications and unification plan. The warning symbol and phrases are established for improvements of chemical information data system. According to these unified and improved systematic form of data, and the chemical information data, the workplaces will be presented many chemical safety and risk data correctly.
  In this paper, we will present constructions and accomplishment contents-based chemical management of workplace through development of chemical information data and the nice using for new chemical investigation and risk assessment of chemicals in workplaces.
Keywords: chemical information data; MSDS; development; update; KOSHA; risk assessment; new chemicals
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