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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2005;20(4):343-350.
NalbuphineOI 마우스의 일차 체액성 면역반응에 미치는 영향
윤희은, 표명윤
Effects of Nalbuphine on the Primary Humoral Immune Response in Mice
Hee Eun Yun , Myoung Yun Pyo
In order to investigate the effects of nalbuphine on immune system in mice, we examined the various immunological parameters. After single oral administration of nalbuphine (130, 260, 390 ㎎/㎏, i.p.) to female ICR mice, the weights of bodies and organs (thymus, spleen, liver, kidney), and hematological parameters were examined on day 2, 4, 6, and 8. The increased rate of body weight, relative weight of organ, and hematological parameters in nalbuphine-treated groups, were not significantly changed when compared with control group. However, number of WBC was decreased by the treatment of nalbuphine. To assess the effects of nalbuphine on humoral immune responses, splenic IgM plaque forming cell (PFC) and serum IgM were assayed. When nalbuphine was administered after immunization with SRBC, but not before immunization, splenic IgM PFC and serum IgM level against SRBC were significantly lowered in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that the suppressive effects of nalbuphine on primary humoral immune response may be dependent on the timing of its administration relative to the initial antigenic sensitization.
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