Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) acute toxicity test was carried out and ecological risk assessment in soil was performed with national monitoring data. 14 day-LC_(50) of nonylphenol and bisphenol A were 288.1㎎/㎏ and 90.1㎎/㎏, respectively. And NOECs of nonylphenol and bisphenol A were 250㎎/㎏ and 50㎎/㎏, respectively. Significant weight decrement was appeared at 70㎎/㎏ of bisphenol A, however, nonylphenol at concentrations tested did not severe adverse effect on the weight decrement. The environmental monitoring has been carrying out by NIER since 1999. Exposure levels of nonylphenol in soil were ND∼10.55㎍/㎏ and those of bisphenol A were ND∼15.50㎍/㎏ in National Monitoring data which had been performed from 2000 to 2004. The measured soil exposure level was applied to evaluate the environmental risk assessment. The values of PNEC for bisphenol A and nonylphenol were determined as 0.5㎎/㎏ and 2.5㎎/㎏, respectively using the safety factors which were suggested in EU and OECD. The values of HQ(PEC/PNEC) were determined to be below 1 for bisphenol A and nonylphenol when the maximum exposure levels for bispheol A (15.50㎍/㎏) and nonylphenol(10.55㎍/㎏) were applied. Conclusively, the environmental risk assessment of bisphenol A and nonylphenol was not critical in soil.