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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2004;19(3):287-294.
당뇨병-고지혈증 모델동물의 개발
오승현, 노경진, 박인선, 민본홍, 두호경, 안세영, 김용석, 성제경
Development of Animal Model for Diabetes and Hyperlipidemia
Seung Hyun Oh , Kyung-Jin Roh , In-Sun Park , Bon Hong Min , Ho-Kyung Doo , Se Young Ahn , Yong Suk Kim , Je Kyung Seong
Diabetic complication is one of major risk factors leading to vascular disease such as atherosclerosis strokc, coronary heart disease and etc Several factors affecting the acceleration of diabetic vascular complication have been known such as hypertension hyperlipidemia, immune complex and genetic factors To screen and develop new therapeutics agents for diabetic vascular complication, it is strongly needed to develop animal models for diabetic complications However in rodents models diabetic complications is not Well developed Furthermore to assess the possibilityty of new therapeutics for diabetic vascular complications, diabetic animal models which have the risk factors of diabetic complications is needed We aim to develop and establish an diabetic animal model which have diabetic complications with hyperlipidemia which is one of risk factors for diabetic complications We induced insulin-dependent diabetes by intra venous injection of streptozotocin (35 mg/kg/day) in RICO rats which is a spontaneous animal model for hyperlipidemia Our models (STZ RICO) showed hyperglycemia, persistent high level of plasma cholesterol and triglyceridemia with severe diabetic renal changs until 28 weeks after induction of diabetes STZ-RICO rats could be used for the evaluations of newly developed diabetic drugs
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