Although the bIologIcal functions of metallothoneins (MTs) are still being investigated, they have been suggested to be involved in detoxification of heavy metals scavenging of free radicals and protection against alkylating agents MTs have been reported to be induced in most of animal tissues by heavy metal such as zine, copper mercury and cadmium, dnd the proteins have binding affinities to the metals However, the presence or induction of MTs was reported not to be clear in leydig cells which produce testosterone for the maturation of spermatozoa in male testes In this study, we investigated the inducibility of metallothionein isomers by cadmium in cultured mouse leydig cells Total RNA was extracted from the near confluent grown leydig cells and RT - PCR was performed using the primers which were synthesized on the basis of MT - 1, 2, 3 and 4cDNA from GenBank database As results, MT-1 and MT-2 mRNA were found to be expressed IN cadmium non-treated control cells and MT 1 mRNA expression was dose-dependent when leydig cells were treated with cadmium chloride But MT-3 which is known to be brain specific and MT-4 which is another isoform of metallothionein, were not expressed Other genes induced or depressed in cadmium treated leydig cells were also identified by microarray techniques