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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2004;19(2):161-167.
PCA와 ANN을 이용한 VOC 측정기기 개발
이장훈, 권혁구, 박승호, 김동진, 홍철호
The Development of VOC Measurement System Uging PCA & ANN
Jang-Hoon Lee , Hyuk-Ku Kwon , Seung Ho Park , Dong-Jin Kim , Chol-Ho Hong
Air quality monitoring is a primary activity for industrial and social environment. The government identities the pollutants that each industry must monitor. Especially, the VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which are very harmful to human body and environment atmosphere, should be controlled under the government policy. However, the VOCs, which have not been confirmed in emission sources are very difficult to monitor. It is needed to develop the monitoring system that allow the continuous and in situ measurement of VOCs mixture in different environmental matrices. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry are the most prevalent current techniques among those available for the analysis of VOCs. But, they need a large size analytical instrument, which costs a great deal for purchase and operation. In addition, it has some limitations for real-time environmental monitoring such as location problems and slow processing time. Recently, several companies have commercialized a portable VOCs measurement systems, which cannot classify various kinds of VOCs but total quantities. We have developed a VOCs measurement system, which recognizes various kinds and quantities of VOCs, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). Also, it can be used as a stand-alone type and/or fixed type in the vehicle with rack for real-time environmental monitoring.
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The Development of the VOCs Measurement System using Sensor Array  2004 March;19(1)
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