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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2003;18(3):175-182.
내분비계 장애물질인 Bisphenol A의 free radical 생성을 통한 독성발현
안광현, 김봉희
Cytotoxicity of Environmental Estrogenic Compound, Bisphenol A, via Generation of Free Radicals
Kwang-hyun Ahn , Bong Hee Kim
Bisphnol A shares similarities in structure, metabolism and action with DES, a known human teratogen and carcinogen. Bispheol A, a monomer of polycarbonate and epoxy resins, has been detected in canned food and human saliva. The purpose of the this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity, cell proliferation of bisphenol A in the presence of a rat liver S9 mix, contaning cytochrome P450 enzymes, and Cu(Ⅱ). In the present study, Bisphenol A in combination with Cu(Ⅱ) exhibited a enhancement in cytotoxicity which were inhibited by free radical scavengers. The content of malondialdehyde, and end product of lipid peroxidation, was also found to increase with concentration of bisphenol A. Also, we examined the change of CuZn-SOD, Mn-SOD, catalase and GPx activities in the MCF-7 cells exposed to bisphenol A. The activities of CuZn-SOD, GPx, catalase were found to decrease with bisphenol A concentration. Meanwhile, the activity of Mn-SOD was unchanged. This indicated that elevated oxidative stress caused by imbalance between the production and removal of free radicals occurred in cells.
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