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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2003;18(4):311-322.
서울북부지역에서 유통되고 있는 농작물의 잔류농약 분포
황영숙, 김양숙, 이성득, 백수현, 김경식, 두옥주, 정보경, 조진호, 정애희, 정의근, 장미라, 윤용태
The Distribution of Pestricide Residues in Commercial Agricultural Products of the Nirthern Area of Seoul
Yuong-Sook Hwang , Yang-Suk Kim , Sung-Deuk Lee , Soo-Hyun Baek , Gyung-Sig Kim , Ok-Ju Tu , Bo-Kyung Jung , Jin-Ho Cho , Ae-Hee Chung , Eui-Geun Jung , Mi-Ra Jang , Yong-
This study was carried out to investigate the 106 kinds of pesticide residues in agricultural products (n =3,614) by GC, for the northern area of Seoul from March (1999) to December (2000). The detection rate of pesticide residues in samples was 5.0% (mean: 2.86±7.22 mg/kg, n=180). The order of the agricultural products in which pesticide residues were detected was korean lettuce> perilla leaf, pepper> chinese cabbage> leek> spinach. The percentage of the agricultural products in excess of MRL was 2.0% (n=73). The agricultural products in excess of MRL were korean lettuce(n=15), perilla leaf(n=13), leek (n=6), spinach(n=6), pepper (n=5). chwinamul (n=5), etc. The order of the pesticide residues which were detected in agricultural products was procymidone, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, vinclozolin, chlorothalonil and diazinon. The average residual values of procymidone, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, vinclozolin, chlorothalonil and diazinon were 4.07, 1.24, 1.27, 2.83, 17.71 and 1.48 respectively. The pesticide residues in excess of MRL were chlorpyrifos (n=19), endosulfan (n=12), procymidone (n=9), vinclozolin (n=6), etc, and the measured concentration ranges of chlorpyrifos, endosulfan, procymidone, vinclozolin, pyrazophos, diazinon and EPN were 0.03-6.72, 0.18-5.8, 2.0-60.8, 1.70-20.33, 0.26-1.21, 0.59-4.3 and 0.28-4.19 respectively.
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