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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2003;18(1):15-19.
인간 폐포세포 유래 A549세포주에서의 Cadmium 처리에 의한 메탈로치오닌 유전자 발현
박광식, 구자민
Expression of Metallothionein mRNA in Cadmium Treated A549 Cell Line Derived from Human Lung Epithelial Cell
Kwangsik Park , Jamin Koo
Metallothionein gene expression activity of cadmium was investigated in a human lung epithelial cell line. Cells, grown to near confluence, were exposed to 0~10μM Cd metal for 6 hours. Cadmium did not cause morphological alteration in lung epithelial cells that are characteristic of cell damages such as cell shrinkage, detachment of the cell from its neighbors, cytoplasmic and chromatic condensation. However, metallothionein genes of MT-1 and MT-2 were rapidly induced in the treated cell measured by RT-PCR. Regarding the induction pattern of metallothionein mRNA, MT-1 mRNA was induced in a dependent manner. MT-2 mRNA induction, which was measured using oligo primers based on cDNA of human reticulocytes, seemed to be slightly increased in low doses but decreased at high concentration used in the experiment.
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