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다이옥신 ( 2 , 3 , 7 , 8 - tetrachlorodibenzo - p - dioxin ) 의 건강위해성에 대한 고찰 ( Adverse Health Effects from 2 , 3 , 7 , 8 - Tetrachlorodibenzo - p - dioxin Exposure : Review )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):75-87. Published online January 1, 1986
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Alloxan 유도 당뇨병상태에서 과산화지질생성에 미치는 Brazilin의 효과 ( Antilipidperoxidative Effects of Brazilin in Alloxan - induced Diabetic Mice )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):69-73. Published online January 1, 1986
65 |
일차 배양한 간세포에서의 권백의 간보호효과의 Screening Test ( Screening Test of Selaginella tarmariscina for Liver Protective Effects in Primary Cultured Hepatocytes )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):65-68. Published online January 1, 1986
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사염화탄소의 간독성에 대한 파두 다당류분획의 예방효과 ( Hepatoprotective Effects of Polysaccharides of Croton Tiglium on CCI4 Intoxication )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):59-63. Published online January 1, 1986
53 |
Effect of Hydroxybrazilin on Glutathione Depletion Induced by BrCCl3 and Menadione in Cultured Rat Hepatocytes
Eun Sook Chang , Seong Gon Kim , Lee Yong Khil , Dhong Su So , Tong Shin Chang , Jin Hyoung Kim , Sun Duck Jeon , Kwang Sik Park , Chang Kiu Moon
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):53-57. Published online January 1, 1986
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아가미 혈종과 지느러미 표피탈락 현상을 이용한 어류 폐사원인 연구 ( Studies on the Fish Kills by Histopathological Characteristics in Gills and Caudal Fins )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):45-51. Published online January 1, 1986
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Photosensitization of Trichlorobenzenes ( TCBs ) in Aqueous Solution : III . Photoproducts with Nitrite ( NO2 ) and Triethylamine ( TEA )
Jae H. Kim
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):33-44. Published online January 1, 1986
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수생식물의 중금속 흡수능에 관한 연구 ( Uptaked Capacity of Heavy Metals by Water Plants )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):23-32. Published online January 1, 1986
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Paraquat중독 사망한 한국인의 혈액 농도 ( Postmortem Blood Concentration of Paraquat in Korean Intoxicated by Paraquat )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):17-22. Published online January 1, 1986
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마로 부터 분리한 Acetylmannan의 Paraquat 독성 억제 효과 ( Inhibitory Effect of Acetylmannan of Dioscorea batatas on Toxicity of Paraquat )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):11-16. Published online January 1, 1986
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개발한 제3세대 항암제의 아만성 독성연구 ( Study on the Subacute Toxicity of Anticancer Platinum Complexes )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1996;11(2):1-10. Published online January 1, 1986